Friday, July 17, 2009


"Take your eyes off of your Blackberry tonight and take a look at what's going on in outer-space right now." A fitting quote from a Fox News anchor speaking to a reporter as they discuss footage of the space shuttle Endeavor about to dock on the international space station. To elaborate her point, she went on to say how technology and social networking has made us "Earth-bound" in the context that we aren't taking time to appreciate the current space mission, the amazing maneuvers being performed in space right now and the high definition photos being transmitted back to Earth. She's right. As we have spoken about so many times in class and in these blogs, technology has changed our culture. We have the ability to be connected to the entire world 24/7, to the point it consumes many of us and we don't pay attention to other qualities and phenomena of life around us.

If you don't want to be Earth-bound, has a live broadcast of the current space mission. It may look rather dull at first glance but there is also a schedule of the mission posted on the website so you can see when to tune in for more interesting coverage.

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