Thursday, July 23, 2009

Worker commits suicide over lost iPhone prototype

If you've read today's news headlines you likely have seen the article about the factory worker in China who committed suicide because he lost an iPhone prototype in his possession. He had sixteen 4th generation iPhone prototypes in his possession before he discovered one was missing. I thought this article illustrated the high level of pressure and competitiveness, and sensitivity of secrets as companies develop products to achieve or maintain a competitive advantage. As we discussed in the IT Doesn't Matter debate, Apple is a prime example of a company that has developed and used new technologies to gain a competitive advantage. In fact, the company has been, for the most part, immune from the current recession because they continue to develop and release new technology that consumers crave. Employees who work with Apple's new products are under great pressure to maintain a high level of secrecy, especially with the media and competitors constantly trying to gain information about the latest and greatest technology. Obviously IT does matter. Unfortunately, in this situation it mattered a little too much.

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