Sunday, July 5, 2009

TAG event #2

My second TAG event was a presentation by Marty Gupta, Managing Director of the CAP Consulting group. CAP stands for Critical Assumption Planning. The company's main mission is to help businesses achieve sustained growth through both good and bad economic times. One of the ways they do this is by teaching businesses to rethink their approach to their business strategy. Instead of the traditional Analyze, Plan, Execute approach, they teach businesses to Imagine, De-risk, and Adapt. Two examples Mr. Gupta used to illustrate the differences were GM and Apple. In 2004 and 2005, GM couldn't produce enough SUV's and most of their productivity was focused on their SUV lines. They were changing many of their assembly plants to accommodate SUV production. When Hurricane Katrina hit and oil prices skyrocketed, sales of SUVs took a nosedive and now GM is in bankruptcy. Apple, on the other hand, has continued to reinvent itself and continues to adapt and develop new products to sustain growth.
CAP is a five step process: Explore/Define the Concept, Identify Assumptions, Determine Critical Assumptions, Develop an Action Plan, and Review Results & Refine Opportunity. The process is designed to optimize the trade-off between risk and investment. It is also touted as being able to link different groups within an organization and take knowledge sharing to a new level.
More information on CAP can be found at the CAP Consulting website:

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