Sunday, June 28, 2009

Business Intelligence - IBM commercial

If you haven't seen the new IBM commercials regarding a "Smarter Planet," they relate to business intelligence... here is a good one about medical data like we've been talking about in class...

"By 2010, 30% of the data stored on the world's computers will be medical images. The trouble is, all of that information is trapped. X-rays aren't talking to medical records - aren't talking to patient histories - aren't talking to insurance forms. We are trying to connect all our data; make it smart. We would see the patterns in your medical history, in the histories of entire populations. We could predict dangerous drug combinations... We could tailor cures to your genetic code... put the focus back where it belongs, on the patient. That's what I'm working on. I'm an IBMer. Let's build a smarter planet."

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