Saturday, June 20, 2009

Iran Protests

I am a follower of world events and I think it's amazing how the world is able to stay abreast of the ongoing protests in Iran through various forms of technology. While the Iranian government has tried to censor communications by kicking out the media or jamming their broadcast signals, protesters have resorted to using Twitter, YouTube and Facebook to communicate and get their message to the outside world. Pictures, videos and blogs through these mediums have been continuous since the protests began several days ago and have been the only way for the world to get the true story about what is really going on in the streets of Tehran. Twitter, the newest option of the three, has been by far the most dominant. YouTube has been shutdown in Iran but about 10% of videos posted from there are getting through.
Who would have thought internet video and social networking sites would ever play such an important role in a world events? Thankfully, the message IS getting out and hopefully the result will be a better government in Iran and a better quality of life for its citizens.

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